Subesh Pokhrel

Magento Developers Blog

Facebook Chat on a Side Bar of Mozilla

These days I am using Facebook a lot and no wonder everyone is using Facebook a lot. And the number of online users on Facebook are sometimes more then my MSN Messager online friends list. I get so much of words from my friends saying I did not reply to their message on Facebook Chat. In fact I open so much of mozilla window and tabs while working that, I come across the Facebook page once in a while. Then I came up with this idea of opening Facebook Chat on the side bar (i.e Bookmark Side Bar), and to my delight….. IT WORKED!…. Here’s is what I did on Mozilla. It’s a simple trick. I just added a new bookmark on mozilla. Step 1: BOOKMARKS>>ORGANIZE BOOKMARK Step 2: ORGANIZE>>ADD NEW BOOKMARK STEP 3: Add Name: (Any Name) STEP 4: Add Location: STEP 5: Don’t Forget To Check the Load this bookmark in sidebar Now you are done. Go to Recently Bookmarked and Open this bookmark. The bookmark then open in the sidebar of you mozilla. No matter which page you are browsing you are chatting on Facebook. My recommendation is to use wide screen display, so that you will have enough room to chat and browse page. How did you like the idea? I am sure most of you all will give me a thumbs up!