Subesh Pokhrel

Magento Developers Blog

Wikilinki Ver 1.0 Released

For last few days I have been trying to understand wordpress ins and outs, and had an idea of developing simple plugin for [wiki]wordpress[/wiki]. I thought people would want to give the reference of most of the words they use in their post to wikipedia, and placing it manually would be a very difficult task. Like the way I have done for the wordpress word above. So thought “wikilinki” would be a helpful plugin for those people. And here I have it today the wikilinki plugin developed. This is just the initial version, I would add more functionality later. Because I am so excited to release it, I will add other things later on. Its easy to implement it just use [WIKI]Words[/WIKI] all in small on the post to get the reference URL of the word from wikipedia. I had to encode the usage because I have already installed it and it would parse it too. Place wikilinki.php under wp-content/plugins and activate from the admin. You can download wikilinki from Get Wikilinki (Updated) If you want to change the color of the link then edit the colour code on $colour. I will add its settings working soon. [UPDATE] Settings edition added on new release. If you have any suggestions or comment feel free ! Happy Blogging.